Informaction in the news

news October 08, 2010

Breaking the Silence: Burma's Resistance @ VIFF

Breaking the Silence: Burma's Resistance will be presented at the Vancouver International Film Festival Sunday, October 10 at 6:30 pm, and October 12 at noon.
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news October 04, 2010

5 projections this Fall!

For those who still haven't seen Gratien Gélinas, un géant aux pieds d'argile (Gemeaux Award for Best Documentary Writting), the film will be presented this Fall in 5 maisons de la culture:
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news September 20, 2010

G?meaux Awards 2010

Congratulations to our recipients and nominees!
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news September 17, 2010

Premi?re ann?e (Year One) @ T?l?-Qu?bec

Don't miss the French version of Year One's TV Premiere on Télé-Québec, Monday, September 20, at 9 pm.
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