Dans un océan d’images (Frameworks) by Helen Doyle wins 3 Gémeaux Awards :
- Best Documentary : culture
- Best Photography, current affairs and documentary, Nathalie Moliavko-Visotzky.
- Best Editing : current affairs and documentary, Dominique Sicotte.
Dans un océan d’images was also nominated for Best Sound.
Le Sable, enquête sur une disparition (Sand Wars) by Denis Delestrac wins Gémeaux Award for Best Documentary : Nature and Science.
Nancy Marcotte and Julie Hamaïde were also nominated for Best Research.
Le Sable, enquête sur une disparition (Sand Wars) is a coproduction with la Compagnie des taxi-brousse (France).
2 other documentaries produced by InformAction were nominated :
- Le nouveau visage de Coco by Guy Boutin (Best Biographie or Portrait)
- Taxi by Wendy Champagne (Best Editing : Hubert Hayaud, Best Original Music : Olivier Alary)