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  • Original idea, researched, written and directed by Do?na Harap
  • Co-researched, written and directed byIolande Cadrin-Rossignol
  • Assistant DirectorIsabelle de Blois
  • Photography directorAlex Margineanu
  • Sound RecordingOlivier L?ger
  • Editing Oana Suteu
  • Conception and sound editingBeno?t Dame
  • Original MusicJean Derome
  • Produced byNathalie Barton, Ian Oliveri
  • Sound MixJean-Pierre Bissonnette
  • Animation and graphismBuck Cr?atifs

Produced with the financial help of


Rogers Documentary Fund

Qu?bec Cr?dit d?imp?t cin?ma et t?l?vision - Gestion SODEC

Canada Media Fund (CMF)

Canada Tax Credit for Canadian movie or video

and the collaboration of



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Brussels scientific film festival 2014

Pariscience 2014

Statement of intent

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Short summary

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What is the connection between the smile of the Mona Lisa and the behaviour of a terrorist? Discover the secrets of nonverbal behaviour in Body Language, as experts in the USA, Canada and Europe pioneer the use of new technology to decipher our unconscious messages. Our body, which can decode another person’s state of mind in a flash, is a powerful radar and a non-stop transmitter that we cannot totally control. Body Language  reveals new discoveries that have wide ranging impacts on every aspect of our lives.

Long summary

Our body talks. Mastering body language gives a strategic edge to a wide range of professionals, from corporate executives, doctors, lawyers, to masters of martial arts, scientists, executives in insurance, financial institutions and law enforcement, customs officers and spies. The newest findings of neuroscience, psychology, and technology are changing the way we look at the connection between mind and body, and how we interact with each other. Our “nonverbal language” is now under scrutiny in all walks of life.  Body Language exposes the power of nonverbal behaviour in areas we never thought of before.  By the end of this journey, the viewer has discovered that the human body, moulded by hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, is still the most amazingly expressive medium in existence. And that new techniques for deciphering body language have wide ranging impacts on our personal lives and on issues as vital as world security.